Traditionally the Columbia River and its tributaries supported some of the greatest fish runs in the world. This section will illustrate the significance of fish in traditional Sinixt culture, and how the two were so intricately connected that when the salmon fishery died, the People lost part of their culture and identity. This is comparable to when the Plains People lost the buffalo.
The end of salmon runs to the upper Columbia also affected the entire ecosystem, particularly bears, who like the Sinixt people, depended on fish for subsistence. Sinixt People lived a cultural life woven together by traditions, and salmon was part of this. As an overview, this section will discuss important fish species (i.e. traditional names and fish ecology), traditional fishing areas of the Sinixt People (i.e. maps and timing of use), traditional fishing techniques and gear, and traditional fisheries management practices (i.e. Slamon Chiefs). The construction of hydro-electric dams and the Columbia River Treaty will also be discussed as part of contemporary Sinixt history.
(We are currently working on this site as of Februry 18, 2014!) Please see the following webpages for more information regarding fishing and Sinixt peoples by clicking the subjects below:
- Introduction
- Fish species Traditional fishing areas
- Traditional Fishing Methods and Gear
- Traditional Management Techniques
- Demise of Fishing in Sinixt Territory
- Current News